18 INch journey


The 18 Inch Journey is like the river flowing through the land of A Place for the Heart.  The 18 Inch Journey has two Phases.  In Phase 1 students come from all around the world to A Place for the Heart to participate in the 18 Inch Journey for two months out of the year.  These students learn to live life from the heart and not just in the head.  We realize that, for the majority of people, limiting life to what is logical, rational and mental leads to a safer existence with less risk of being hurt and disappointed.  We want to teach these students to steward their emotions, dreams and desires by connecting them with the voice and identity of their Heavenly Father.

Then we have Phase 2 of the 18 Inch Journey available for the alumni.  This is six months of even more intentional discipleship and teaching.  These second year students participate in music, art and various other creative classes and impartation sessions.  This is the sweet spot of the 18 Inch Journey, where we develop incredible deep and life changing relationships.  Then, when Phase 1 begins, they lead and pour into the first year students.

So, for six months out of every year, discipleship takes place at A Place for the Heart.  Very early in his Christian walk, Ken Helser made a choice to enroll in the “seminary of life” where God used everyday moments of life to teach him about Himself.  This continues today with our students as they learn to hear God not only in music and creative expressions, but also in work duties, in tending the garden and in other everyday tasks like washing the dishes.  

We dream of a generation that knows their identity as the beloved children of God in every area of their life.  We want to see thriving marriages.  Our dream is to dismantle every obstacle that keeps people from experiencing the fullness of the love of God.  We want to give the this generation tools to steward the beauty and authenticity of their heart.  

Learn more about the 18 Inch Journey

the 18 Inch Journey