Our mission is to respond to the commission of Jesus and make disciples of all nations.
As a ministry, we fulfill this in three ways:
1. Through our 18 Inch Journey discipleship programs focused on spiritual formation.
We host summer camps for teenagers, schools for adults in their formative years, and retreats for men and women who desire to deepen their walk with the Lord. We do all of this at “A Place for the Heart,” our campus in North Carolina.
2. Through leading worship and writing songs
for people to encounter the heart of God and remember who they truly are. We have the honor of hosting and taking part in worship gatherings around the world.
3. Through creating resources to build up the body of Christ.
The Cageless Birds generate videos, devotional books, podcasts, music, e-courses, and handcrafted artisan goods. As a non-profit ministry, every donation and purchase of goods supports and furthers our mission.