After hours of hard labor, unable to figure out the GPS unit on the new car my wife and I were buying, the salesman, about my age, throws up his hands and says, “I quit. Take it home and get your grandchildren to show you how it works.” I did. And Cadence Helser, in less than 10 minutes got it going.
That’s cause the younger generation speaks the technological language of today.
So, while I was trying to figure out the best way to communicate my heart on social media, my grandson Spencer has stepped in to save the day for his Papa. Home from YWAM, Kona, and an incredible outreach in Nepal, Spencer was looking for a part time job before he goes back to staff a new school in April. I got him at a deal to help work with me on setting up some blogs, videos, and podcasts on A Place for the Heart web site.
This is only a beginning, and let me give you a hint: If you don’t have My Utmost for His Highest, a devotional book by my friend for 46 plus years, Oswald Chambers, go get one. Please. More later.
Am I excited? Yes. At 72, having buried four friends in the last two weeks, I am so aware of the adage, “You can’t take it with you!” But you can leave some good things behind–– the wisdom you get from chasing hard after God and learning Him by the way you live. I want that to speak way after my grave. In the last quarter of the last quarter of the game, what a joy to head toward the finish line with my grandchildren behind me cheering me on.
Personal note from Spencer: Wow. What an incredible opportunity Papa Ken has presented me with! When he asked me if I would be willing to help him with something, in my mind I said yes before I even knew what the project was going to be. He said he needed help setting up a page where he could blog some of the revelations the Lord has shown him over the years. Of course, my answer was an immediate, “Yes, Papa. I’d love to.” As we began scheming what method we were going to use to present the blog (Facebook, Wordpress, etc.), I began thinking about how blessed and privileged I was to be in this position. I get to assist my grandfather, a man with an unbelievable amount of Godly wisdom, in publishing some of the discoveries he's made in Christ throughout the years. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace over this new endeavor because I know this is something he’s been wanting to do for some years now. One thing I’ve learned about Papa Ken is that he practices hearing God’s voice daily. After being around him for 20 years, I can attest that he always, and I mean always, finds time to spend with the Lord every single day. Not only does he dwell with the Father in the secret place, but he applies what he’s learned to every day life. So when He told me it was time to begin publishing his thoughts, I knew it was not only Ken’s timing, but the Lord’s as well. These stories are just an overflow of his unique, deep relationship with Jesus. They portray his hunger and passion for living out what he boldly professes. I am overjoyed to embark on this new journey with him and cannot thank him enough for the impact he’s had on my life. Love you, Papa. –– Spencer Daniel Wilson
“Until you want someone else to live the life you’re living, you don't have a very powerful witness.” - Papa Ken