Jonathan David & Melissa Helser
Many people know Jonathan David and Melissa Helser for their music. Jonathan and Melissa travel around the world leading worship and have recorded many albums of their music. They write songs from the seasons of their life with the Lord. Their songs are stories of their victories and struggles in the midst of the faithfulness of God.
Family is the heartbeat of the Helsers. They have two beautiful children, Cadence and Haven and have the joy of traveling the world to minister as a family. The Helser family spends the majority of their time in discipleship with the growing community of staff, interns and students at A Place for the Heart. They have spent every summer of their married life leading camps and retreats for high school and college-age students. Currently, they lead the 18 Inch Journey. More than just musicians, they long to see a generation of passionate lovers of Jesus.
Taking up the mantle left by Ken and Linda, Jonathan and Melissa are now the pioneers and leaders of A Place for the Heart. They are in full time ministry leading the 18 Inch Journey, Cageless Birds and traveling to lead worship and pour out the heart of the Father.